It’s not you, it’s me.

That’s what popped up on my timeline the other night hours after posting a live video of our new arrivals where I mentioned on a few occasions to comment or like a response and share with your friends... If you think Facebook isn’t listening, you’re mistaken. Ironically (or not), it was a sponsored ad telling me I shouldn’t try to get people to like, comment, and share my posts, I should create my own following where you come to me. And that’s where the spark came from, because they are so correct, however I’m not going to buy that “masterclass” you’re offering, because really, the irony?! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyway, the bottom line is that it spoke to me, it really did. Because number 1: am I trying to sell clothes? Heck yes I am. I’m just like you and have a mortgage to pay, kids to feed, etc, etc...

But is that really why I’m doing this?! Do I just want to sell the latest trend, or hottest look? No. And I absolutely mean it. Social Hour Style’s #BeautifullyConfident means so much more than that to me.

If I’m trying to do anything, it’s to make you realize that you don’t have to be “just like her”, you don’t have to have a “pretty life” or even pretend to, which is what social media makes us feel like we have to do these days...

It’s to make you realize that no matter what your circumstances or situation, that you should always, and I mean ALWAYS, have the confidence to “do you” and “be you” regardless of others opinions.

I’ll step out on a limb and tell you what my cousin Angie was talking about in her live the other day, and what my grandma used to say is a very popular quote... “opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one”...

And as crude as that may sound, it’s absolutely true. You need to forget about them and focus on you. You need to take time for yourself, give yourself credit for how much you do, no matter what it is. And to me, I still feel like “looking good = feeling good” and that to me is a top priority in self-care as well.

That is what I want for you. I want you to stand amongst the ever-judgemental crowd and say I got this. This is me. This is my style, my life, my actions, and I am proud to be who I am.

Because if you aren’t proud of yourself, girl, absolutely no one else will be. So when I say, #beautifullyconfident, I don’t mean that term lightly. I mean Rock. That. Shit. Girl. Because it’s you, and, like I’ve said, there’s only one of you. And that is absolutely amazing. ❤️

So to bring this back to “it’s not you, it’s me”, I think you have to understand me and where I am coming from.

The idea or as I call it, “the epiphany” for the re-branding literally came from all of you. I’ve heard so many times women talking down about themselves and their bodies, or saying to me “you can pull that off, but there’s no way I can”... and it’s just NOT TRUE. There is nothing magical about me, or anyone else, that makes them able to wear styles that you can’t. It’s finding that style that makes YOU feel beautifully confident — in whatever size/shape/height that may be — where Social Hour Style’s mission lives.

On the flip side, I’ve been able to assist so many women in finding styles they wouldn’t necessarily try on without a little push, and once they do, have absolutely loved the fit, the feel, and then seeing that beautiful confidence  on their faces from putting on something that made them feel amazing. And that’s what’s shown me it’s 110% possible to create this #beautifullyconfident brand, and hopefully (I have big dreams) turn it into a movement. ❤️

“It’s not you, it’s me” simply does not exist in this #BeautifullyConfident Community. Because without you, there’s no me. So let’s work together and continue to build confidence in one another, empower each other, and enjoy each day of our lives exactly as we are today. Thank you SO much for being a part of this journey. 


XOXO ~ Tara